duminică, 24 iunie 2012


Published on Tuesday 15 June 2010 09:18 THE Wigan-based Keep Britain Tidy charity has scooped a top gong for a controversial anti-litter campaign. Featuring a pig’s snout or tail on a human, the series of posters shaming those who drop fast-food litter was feted at the prestigious Marketing Society Awards. The Dirty Pig campaign landed an award for excellence in the not-for-profit category, beating off competition from the NHS and the British Heart Foundation. It was backed by a media story about fast-food brands lying in the gutter that got national media attention and led to McDonald’s and Greggs working with the charity to tackle litter. Keep Britain Tidy’s Head of Marketing, Communications and Events Ginette Unsworth said: “We are delighted to win this award, which is an indication to us that we are striking a chord in getting our anti-litter message across. “It is great to win awards but, ultimately, we want to drive change and get people to stop dropping litter. Campaigns such as Dirty Pig need to be controversial because it’s the best way to spark debate.” Keep Britain Tidy worked with dozens of local authority partners across the country for the month-long campaign. This is not the first award that Dirty Pig has won. In November, it collected three prizes at The Green Awards and a silver medal at the Chartered Institute of Public Relations awards. http://www.wigantoday.net/news/local-news/dirty-pig-poster-wins-top-award-for-tidy-group-1-786926

Frank L. Sprayberry

Hor Good, 2008. Frank L. Presidential Collage Series. Art print. 6 color. Edition of 100. from Perry, Mike, 1981– Pulled : a catalog of screen printing / Mike Perry. reprint - 2011

joi, 7 iunie 2012

Theo van Gogh był buntownikiem już w szkole podstawowej, kiedy wydawał gazetkę pod nazwą "Świńskie pismo". Ukazały się dw numery. Gazetka dotyczyła przede wszystkim srania i szczania. Drugim redaktorem pisma był pewien arystokrata, Johan Quarles van Ufford... Ian Buruma. Śmierć w Amsterdamie. Zabójstwo Theo van Gogha i granice tolerancji. Theo van Gogh a fost un rebel încă din şcoală medie, pe atunci edita o gazetică numită "Ziarul porcesc". Au apucat să apară numere. În primul rând gazeta era axată pe temele căcatului şi pişatului. Al doilea editor al gazetei a fost un aristocrat, Johan Quarles van Ufford... Ian Buruma. Moarte în Amsterdam. Asasinarea lui Theo van Gogh, şi limitele toleranţei. Theo van Gogh was a rebel already in the elementary school, when he was editing a newspaper titled "The Swine Magazine." 2 issues of the paper were printed. The paper focused mainly on shitting and piing. The second editor was the an aristocrat, Johan Quarles van Ufford ... Ian Buruma. Death in Amsterdam. The Murder of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance.

marți, 5 iunie 2012


TTA 153 - The Acme Home Shopping Show P1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlUnirVcQBI