duminică, 22 aprilie 2012

An activist hangs a half pig-half wolf mask to symbolize two of the candidates during a protest against the city's chief-executive election system. Photograph by: Pichi Chuang, Reuters , Agence France-Presse Former government adviser and property consultant Leung Chun-ying won Hong Kong's leadership election today, according to official results. Leung, 57, will replace outgoing chief executive Donald Tsang in June after winning 689 of the votes from the 1,200strong election committee that chooses the southern Chinese city's leader. Applause broke out from delegates on the floor of the tally room as his count ticked past the 601 minimum required for victory. His main rival, Henry Tang, finished with 285 and prodemocracy candidate Albert Ho with 76, an official said. Thousands of protesters gathered outside the harbourside convention centre where the vote took place, demanding full democracy in the semiautonomous former British colony, which returned to Chinese rule in 1997. The protests, which could be heard inside the tally room, were noisy but generally peaceful. The overwhelming majority of Hong Kong's seven million residents have no right to vote in a "small circle" poll decided by an election committee packed with pro-Beijing social and business elites. Leung, whose humble origins as a policemen's son stand in stark contrast to Tang's background as heir to a textile fortune, told reporters earlier that he wanted the broadest possible community support. "Every resident has their own view about the election. I will try my best to get rid of people's negative perception about this election," he said. Leung consistently ranked ahead of Tang in public-opinion polls. © Copyright (c) The Victoria Times Colonist Read more: http://www.timescolonist.com/news/Hong+Kong+elects+leader/6366853/story.html#ixzz1so3548OF
An activist wears a pig mask as she follows a demonstration ... Dec 15th, 2009 (AP) - An activist wears a pig mask as she follows a demonstration for climate change in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark, Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009. A showdown between the world’s two largest polluters loomed over the U.N. climate talks Tuesday as China accused the United States and other rich nations of backsliding on their commitments to fight global warming. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus) - Shared by Erwin De Laat



PETA’s Pork Project: No Ham for These Pigs

By Mary Lu Carnevale http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/08/27/petas-pork-project-no-ham-for-these-pigs/ Brody Mullins reports from Denver on the Democratic National Convention.
Democrats here don’t like to be called pinkos. But that doesn’t go for one of this week’s biggest attractions: Two people dressed head-to-toe in bright-pink pig costumes who have been driving around in a convertible handing out literature on their pet issue. peta_pig_art_400_20080827190235.jpg Two “pigs” from PETA campaign in Denver to cut Americans’ meat consumption (Photo by Brody Mullins) The pigs are spokes-swine for a campaign by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to get people to eat less meat. The pigs are one of dozens of public relations efforts by interest groups large and small – serious and silly – to harness the big media spotlight here to shine on their concerns. Activists are marching to clean up the environment. Gay-rights groups are pushing for same-sex marriage laws. The hotel and tourism industry is trying to draw attention to issues that promote travel and tourism in the U.S. And a group of jokers are handing out material to pedestrians at the outdoor 16th Street Mall calling for a crack down on bird watching. The group directs people to its Web site (www.stopbirdporn.com), where they accuse bird-watchers of being peeping-toms, among other things. None of the campaigns seems to be as big of a hit as the two little pigs. When they hop out of the car in front of the convention center here, dozens of men, women and children clamor to pose for pictures. While camera shutters snap, Ashley Byrne and two PETA volunteers hand out flyers saying that the consumption of hamburgers, fried chicken, fish sticks and other meat products contributes to global warming. PETA wants Congress to slap a 10% excise tax on meat products to discourage people from eating meat. “People are just beginning to learn that cutting their meat consumption has a big impact on global warming,” says Byrne, handing out flyers in three-inch heels, tight black pants and a PETA T-shirt. She and her piggies tell people that pollution by factory farms causes more greenhouse gas emissions than the transportation industry. “People think that they have to go out and buy a new car or take a drastic step like that, but the best thing they can do is as simple as changing their diet,” Byrne says. Few of the people who come over for a piggy photo-op have heard of the idea before. It doesn’t always sizzle. “I never heard of it before, but is seems like a good idea,” says 17-year old Kelly Drumight. Her friend, Taryne Rosetti, 18, disagrees: “There are a lot of difference things that we should tax, like gas. I don’t know if meat is one of them.” The issue is personal for Byrne, a Colorado native. She’s been a vegan for more than a decade after watching PETA videos of animal cruelty at factory farms. “When I realized I was supporting that with my meals, I couldn’t sit down to a meal. Then I learned the health benefits,” she said. Byrne tailors her message to her audience. With Democrats, she tells a green-friendly crowd that eating less meat will reduce global warming. Next week in Minneapolis, she’ll tell Republicans to “cut pork” by reducing government subsidies to factory farms. “A lot of Republicans find that slogan cute,” she says. She even thinks it might sell with John McCain, a self described pork-buster. Back here at the Democratic convention, most of the people who talk with Byrne agree with her. After posing for a picture, 16-year old vegetarian Tyler Hess says, “The amount of methane released by a cow each day is amazing.” A nearby police officer doesn’t seem to get it. When asked to snap a picture of a passerby with the pigs, he says: “One…Two…Bacon!”

joi, 19 aprilie 2012

Sue Coe

's illustrated narrative, Dead Meat, is a visual chronicle of the slaughterhouse industry in the United States, Canada, and England and is a journal about the materiality of animal death. Written in a quasi-journalistic format with accompanying drawings and sketches, Coe uncovers the realities of abattoirs, slaughterhouses, and industrial farms where much of our meat, eggs, and dairy products are rendered into consumable form. She recognizes the fractures and destruction in the death of livestock animals and points to how these fractures create space for new ways of thinking about and animals and our relationship to them. By reading against more traditional forms of representation, Coe creates new ways of categorizing livestock animals, rendering them as individuals apart from any taxonomic categorization. http://obieg.pl/artmix/24252

Lurzer's Archive Vol 1-2012

The cover, and the "Stop the enjoyable ride" Add for Maalox, a pyrosis treatment; printed in this issue.


Still lives Objects for domestic space. Fitment, toy, luxury good, sculpture. Stuffed toy, gym equipment. Projection area. Confounding. Adorable. They deliberately defy all definition. There is both something confounding and liberating about it. In any case, they are a welcome change in an unexpected direction.

The Krasnals

„Polska Prezydencja w Unii Europejskiej / Nie mogę ci wiele dać. 2 ” 2011. Olej na plycie. 46 x 55 cm "Polish Presidency in EU / I can't give you too much. 2" 2011. Oil on hardboard.

marți, 17 aprilie 2012

James Ensor

Indian god


Pig like figure

Pig like figure lifting the first cup of wine and hare placing a stick on dog's head. Spain (Barcelona) c. 1340. Add 14761 BL, a photo by tony harrison on Flickr.

Milorad Kristic

Ucigasul de porci

Cine e om si cine e porc?

Presa si televiziunea americana au prezentat de curand un caz senzational: un porc (de fapt o scroafa) a salvat soarta stapanei sale! Poate ca va fi o surpriza pentru unii sa afle ca in SUA, mai ales in California, multe familii cresc porci pe post de..”pets”, adica la fel cum cresc pe langa casa cainii si pisicile. Se stie ca porcii sunt foarte inteligenti, la fel cum sunt cainii. O femeie in varsta, a carei barbat plecase cu prietenii la pescuit, a avut un atac de cord. A cazut pur si simplu in bucatarie si era sigura ca va muri, pentru ca nu a putut ajunge la telefon sa discute cu politia si sa primeasca ajutor (in SUA daca ai o problema grava, suni politia si ei trimit ambulanta). Poate ca in RM e altfel: daca suni politia cine stie ce se intampla. Insa purceaua ei iubita, pe nume Lulu, si-a dat seama de situatie si…a incercat sa o ajute! Mai precis a iesit din casa (avea o usa speciala pe marimea ei, ca sa iasa cand vrea din bucatarie), apoi s-a indreptat spre soseaua care era circulata de masini si a tot asteptat sa opreasca o masina. Majoritatea masinilor nu au oprit, dat soferul unei masini de culoare alba a oprit totusi. El credea ca purceaua pare disperata. Purceaua a luat-o inainte si el a urmat-o pana in casa respectiva, unde el a batut la usa si a spus cu voce tare: “scroafa dvs are o problema..” Cand deodata a vazut-o pe stapana casei cazuta pe podea! A chemat salvarea si femeia respectiva a fost transportata la spital si salvata! Acest binefacator a disparut la fel de repede pe cat a aparut… Nu voia sa fie cunoscut! Din nefericire purceaua respectiva, devenita celebra, a fost indopata de toata lumea cu dulciuri si s-a facut o scroafa super-grasa (nu era vina ei!) , murind de …inima, ea insasi, dupa doi ani! Vazand aceasta poveste adevarata ma intreb: in lumea in care traim cine e om si cine e …porc? Anton COnstantinescu www.curaj.net

duminică, 8 aprilie 2012

Monster Mash

Koryto and Guvno Unions

Członkowie FA Trójmiasto rejestrują Komitet Wyborczy KORYTO z ramienia, którego chcą wystartować w najbliższych wyborach samorządowych. Wcześniej próbowali dokonać rejestracji KW GUWNO (Gdańskiej Unii Wybitnie Normalnych Obywatel), ale na ten skrót nie zgodziła się komisja wyborcza. To nawet lepie bo jak twierdzi KORYTO” … od razu będzie wiadomo o co nam chodzi. Chcemy się nachapać, jak wszyscy politycy. Nic nie robić i zarabiać kupę kasy dzięki układom i znajomościom. Nie, trochę przesadzam, będziemy pracować: otwierać to co inni zbudowali, przecinać wstęgi i damy sobie robić uśmiechnięte zdjęcia „. KORYTO apeluje: „do wszystkich sił politycznych o przyłączenie się do naszego komitetu. Otwarcie deklarujemy opinii publicznej o co nam chodzi wyzbywając się zbędnych dyskusji programowych. Nazywamy rzeczy po imieniu. Wzywamy prezydenta Pawła Adamowicza, który deklaruje się ojcem chrzestnym naszego komitetu do kandydowania z naszej listy. Dlaczego? Ponieważ znamy wielu mieszkańców Gdańska uważających, że nikomu tak jak jemu przez dwanaście lat swoich rządów, nie udało się dochować wierności naszemu programowi”.
Więcej na temat KORYTA: http://gdansk.naszemiasto.pl/artykul/605850,komitet-wyborczy-guwno-zmienil-nazwe-na-koryto,id,t.html?kategoria=675 http://trojmiasto.gazeta.pl/trojmiasto/1,35612,8483277,Komitet_zmienil_nazwe___bylo_KW_GUWNO__jest_KORYTO.html http://www.trojmiasto.pl/wiadomosci/KORYTO-idzie-po-wladze-w-Gdansku-n42385.html 2010-10-08 http://cia.media.pl

Anatol Mătăsaru VS. Maia Laguta

Anatol Mătăsaru VS. Maia Laguta