joi, 24 decembrie 2009

Oleg Brega - the journalist of the year, according to the Independent Center for Journalism

Oleg Brega, one of the main contributors to this blog, was declared by The Independent Center for Journalism from Moldova - The Best Journalist of The Year. Congratulations!
a video from the event here:

With this occasion, I would like to go back to the Christmas (25th of december), 2008, the day Anatol Matasaru sprayed on the snow his "Merry Christmas!" graffiti, immediately destroyed by a police officer in civil clothing.
(The photo reportage presented on this site was authored by Oleg Brega)

What I've failed to report about that event then, is that it was a much bigger thing, a big masked parade, at which some dozens of human rights activists participated wearing masks of pigs, donkeys and Santa Clauses. They were shouting and holding placards with pro-human rights slogans...

Here is a video report from the event:

I just saw it myself, I hope you can enjoy it too!

I wish will the contributors to this site, and I wish you a Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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