Dutch meditation, In love and a Swiming lesson.
vineri, 31 decembrie 2010
marți, 28 decembrie 2010
joi, 16 decembrie 2010
Nacialnici – gunoae comuniste mostenite

I.Belibov, actualmente comisar de politie, sect.Centru a mun.Chisinau, a fost unul din acei comisari, care pana in aprilie 2009 si dupa, a a dispus si a acceptat tacit, cu buna stiin’a, maltratarile si torturile atat in strada, cat si in incinta comisariatului. A fost nici mai mult, nic mai putin, bita regimului comunist. aprilie 2009 a maltratat lumea in strazi si Comisariat, fiind bita regimului comunist.
Ramine straniu ,ca acest ment sau musor- altfel cum li se mai spune in popor , ramane in continuare sa-si faca mendrele in calitate de nacalinik de politie. De fapt ce-o fi aici atat de straniu, cand majoritatea tortionarilor au fost promovati in functie si avansati in grad… Pacat doar ca si in conditiile unei guvernari, care pretinde ca e democrata, este tolerat un astfel de nacialnik , care continua sa de subalternilor indicatii sa ia masuri ,,speciale,,fata de cei care nu-i convin personal…
vezi aici in original: wwwwwwww
cerere+donos ,,..угрожая заявив,что скоро придут румыны, и будем мы жить в Магадане.,,
Si anume:
de mult pana la alegeri sunt in relatii ostile cu vecinii mei -vorbitori de rusa,din cauza viziunilor mele sociale si ei sunt autorii celor donoase din dosarele mele penale din ,,aprilie,, si anume ca ,,agenti sub acoperire,,…
In fine :acest ,,musor,, , care mai traiste cu speranta ca vor veni ai lui , inaite de alegerile din acest an, face dintr-un donos babesc motiv de cerere in politie pentru a sustine electoratul comunistilor si de a se mai rafui si cu mine. Zis si facut.De data asta nu a fost jumere , dar intr-un schimb de replici cu vecinii mei , comunisti, vorbitori de rusa si gravi afectati de nostalgie pentru Uniunea Sovietica, fiind scos din echilibru, am pronuntat :,,…-Scoro pridut rumany i vyseleat vas v Magadan…,,
Pentru asta am fost amendat inainte de alegeri cu doua amenzi a cate 30 u.c.
in suma totala de 1200 lei,la indicatia speciala a Comisarului Belibov, data sefului de sector I.Botnari ,,spre examinare , decizie si informare,,
Istoria se repeta: mai intai a fost donos, apoi transformata de militioner in cerere-plangere colectiva ce a servit baza dosarului fara o investigatie obiectiva si impartiala. Asa dar:
pe art.335 CC RM-samovolnicie-30 u.c.
si pe art.354 CC RM -huliganism nu prea grav-30 u.c.
Si actiune similara, dar Comisarul a actionat invers -iarasi dublu standard:
mi-a respins recent cererea mea sa se ea masuri conform Legii ca sunt atacat verbal si calomniat in public de cetatenii, rusi acuzandu-ma in furturi si alte huliganisme.
din data de 16.XI.2010.
Biroul sectoristuli in sect, nr.6 a CGP Chisinau,16.XII.2010,ora 19.20
MA-Matasaru A .
R- sectoristul Ruslan R-,i-ti fac amenda
MA-i-mi pune-ti amenda.Ma pune-ti sa eau de la gura copiilor si sa platesc. Tine-ti hangul babelor estea .Adica ,voi,cum am inteles ,Sireojenika mai repede!-voi veniti repede si scriti pentru babele estea… R-asta nu decid eu.E hotarat,nu eu,dar sefu . MA-care sef? R-Sereoja MA – care Sereoja? R-Sofroni MA-Sofroni.Uite,eu am asa o senzatie ,ca voi sunteti bita lor,eaca la babele estea care au fost aduse aicea in Moldova si pana acuma dupa cum se exprima ,,-my tut hozeeva,, Asa si se primeste ,ca voi sunteti in serviciul lor non-stop.Voi nici nu vreti sa ascultati argumentele mele sau care mai sunt… Sau aveti iar indicatie de la sef de mai sus ,sa-mi faceti iar dosar penal? R-noi am ascultat tot.nu a fost nici o indicatie MA-pe cine ai ascultat tu in afara de mine? Ea orice vecin de alaturi ,lasa-l sa expue pe faptul asta, intreaba-l cine o inchis apa? Curgeu tevile si a fost achitat serviciul.A fost chemat de la Termocom,de la ApaCanal ,de la JEK- ul,APLP-ul,scuza-ti.Pe voi asta nu va intereseza? R.-noi am audiat persoanele care erau MA-care audiat-o? Care o scris plangere? R-si oamenii MA-care o scris plangere? Si o chemat de o 100 de ori si pe voi ati venit ,si pe ,,oper-grupa,, din sectia criminala.Doua procese-verbale a cate 30 unitati conventionale.
priveste aici:asa o spus sefu
vezi aici fenomen similar :Ca o haită de câini
miercuri, 8 decembrie 2010
acesta-i (unul din procuroriii..)Porocurorul care-l protejează pe C.Avornic

Procurorii care fac totul ca sa-l dosesca pe Avornic.
Procurorul Procuraturii sect.Centru Lilian Bacalym(el este cel din imagine),chiar dupa condamnare CEDO a RM di 2.XI.2010,pt a doua oara anul 2010 cand RM plateste sume bune din buzunarul nostru pt controversatul ex-sef al Regimentului Scut- C.Avornic .Si vedeti din imagine (cu 3 zile mai tarziu ,pe 5.Xi.2010 )cine-i unul din contabilul de porcuror care aduce prejudicii bugetului si imaginei RM.
Ei, una e de invidiat in cazul lor, ca nu se tradeaza ,-BRATVA ! si ORGANY BESMERTNY !
Aciasta se vede din declaratiile facute de procurorul Bacalym in sedinta din 5.xi.2010, in care am atacat ordonanta procurorului Bacalym de suspendarea/incetarea urmaririi penale pe dosarul maltratarii mele de catre Avornic,care decurge mai mult de 4 ani!
Acesti procurori stiu ,ca dupa condamnarea la CEDO ei trebue sa investigheze cazul conform Legii si de nu, iar poate sa fie condamnata RM.
Ei,dom porcurori asa tineti ,voi sunteti boerii RM!
vezi aici:wwwwwwwww
duminică, 5 decembrie 2010
Judecătorul Galben mă ameninţă cu poliţia
Controversatul judecator Anatol Galben va fi adus forţat în instanţa de judecată pentru că nu se prezint la proces, fiind citat în calitate de pârât şi mai mult ma ameninţă cu poliţia.
Acest judecător a eliberat mandate ilegale de arest în icinta CGP, în aprilie 2009, iar m-ai tarziu a fost găsit vinovat de Colegiul Disciplinar a Curţii Supreme a Magistraturii, pentru abateri disciplinare. Totuşi, acesta a fost laăsat nepedepsit – precum că, ,,ar fi expirat termenul de prescripţie”.
Ba nu a fost aşa! Şi totuşi, această Hotărâre a CSM am atacat-o în Curtea de Apel unde judecatorul A.Galben figurează în calitate de pârât.
Procesele de judecată au fost amânate de două ori, din cauza ca pârâtul, judecatorul Galben, nu se prezintă in şedinţa de judecată fără să se ştie motivul.
Judecatorul C.A. a decis ca pentru 23.11.2010, ora 10.20 bir. 12, CA, să-i duc personal boerului citaţia pentru a sa se prezenta la judecată sub semnătură personală şi să aflu – care-i motivul din care a ignorat până acum instanţa.
Priviţi ce s-a întâmplat:WWWWWWWWWWW
Am ajuns iar la concluzia că în RM legea este făcută pentru to(n)ţi ca mine!…dacă nu-ț placi Legili ,eț catrafuțili si duti din Moldova!
Un Magistrat nu poate asa sa se comporte in instanta
un caz mai putin banal….si am ajuns iarasi in barlogul judecatorului.
Din 2 minute de discutie intre magistrat si banuit si va veti deduce inca o data, ca nimic nu se schimba in acest sistem judecatoresc a RM।Comportamentul lor e adecvat cu deciziile si hotararile pe care le eau.Compasiune celor care-s judecati de asa judecatori.
ascultati aici:vvvvvvvvvvvvvv
stenograma discutiei:
Sedinta de judecata pe art.264/1 al.3 CP RM, in biroul jud V.Boico,Judecatoria sect Buicani -2010
BV -Boico V.-Judecator
MA -Matasaru Anatol-invinuit
MA- ..Republica Moldova
BV-pai nici o problema.Luativa catrafutele si duceti-va de aicea.De ce n-o faceti ?
MA-nu.O sa va dutce-Ti dumneavoastra, n-am sa ma duc eu.
BV-pai, dapu ,da
MA -Voi faceti aici (reguli ,imaginea),adica DVS
BV- eu nu fac nimic .Eu v-am spus ,in momentul de fata nu
MA- reguli si imaginea
BV- eu n-am facut nimic rau
MA -ba da
BV-dvs nu aveti absolut nici o invinuire
MA-ba da,Va spun ca cu dosarul ista o sa nimerim in istorie si cu acel dosar precedent
BV-aista ce-i ,avertisment?Al doilea avertisment azi!
Dar eu am sesizat deacum,bine.Si orice nu s-ar intampla ,eu spun ca primul avertisment eu l-am primit de la Matasaru pe telefon.Daca vreti sa Va simtiti jertfa rejimului ,asta-i treaba voastra nimeni nu va … Dar se vede ca primiti placere de la chestea asta..
Apropo :,,spune cine-i ti-i prieten si-ti spun cine esti
Judecatorul Boico-,,kentul de raslabon,, a lui Dorin Popovici care judecau/judeca pe acelas coridor.
Fiind tarait prin instante, practic zilnic ma confrunt cu magistratii nostri plini pana la limita de aroganta si nici putin sa arate disciplina profesionala sau codul dentologic.Sunt pana in gat satul de asa oficiali care este imaginea Tarii noastre.
Nu mai vorbesc de respectul unor fata de contetateanul lui care l-au ales in numele poporului judece dupa Lege si cu maina pe Biblie te obliga sa faci marturisii in instanta.Judecatorul aproape ca e Dumnezeu pentru societate in toate timpurile.
Aflandu-se in gestiunea lui plangerea mea referitor la amenintarea cu moartea in fata procurorului si a patru martori ,din partea unui politist care e implicat in dosarul torturii mele ,Judecatorul Boico decide ca nu este si nu vede crima sa ameninti cu moarte si-l scapa de orice raspundere pe politistul suspect.Si acum iar nimeresc pe mainile lui cu alt dosar,unde-s eu ca banuit .Dar ma pune in garda de decizia impartiala pe care va trebui s-o scoata si anume dupa cum-mi arata coltii si-mi promite ca voi fi adus fortat fara ca sa stie motivul de ce am intarziat
Dar mai mult . faptul ca nu a admis cererea de exceptie de neconstitutionalitate ,poate juca rolul la ne-asigurarea accesului la justitie,…si Dacă, în procesul judecării cauzei, instanţa constată că norma juridică ce urmează a fi aplicată contravine prevederilor Constituţiei şi este expusă într-un act juridic care poate fi supus controlului constituţionalităţii, judecarea cauzei se suspendă, se informează Curtea Supremă de Justiţie care, la rîndul său, sesizează Curtea,-art.7.
Ascultati pentru cine-s facute Legile in RM si de cine suntem judecati:
Dar, ar trebui sa-i spun multumesc judecatorului Boico,datorita asemenea judecatori iar voi ajunge la CEDO si voi incasa sume bune de bani.
PS: si sa vedeti ,ca ce-i din Consiliumul Superior al Magistraturii iar n-o sa gaseasca abateri disciplinare….
duminică, 14 noiembrie 2010
sâmbătă, 6 noiembrie 2010
Imagine publicitara plasata in Gazeta Prawna, din 4 noiembrie, 2010
marți, 10 august 2010
Mătăsaru versus psihologul contrafăcut
Expertiza efectuata in incinta Spitalului Clinic de Psihiatrie MS de către psihologul Margareta Tabuncic, la data de 23,12,2009 după masă /în jurul orei 13. Întâlnirea a durat 16,08 min .Timpul era ceţos, afara bureza, zăpada se topea pământul era acoperit de mocirlă...
Stenograma discuţiei:
MA-Matasaru Anatol
TA-Tabuncic Margareta
la min 0'27''
MA-a Anatol Matasaru
TA-ce faci tu ,cu ce va ocupati? Lucrati,activati undeva?
MA-da,inginer de retele
TA-anul nasterii?
TA-dvs va aflati la evidenta la psihiatru,neurolog? Da?
MA-da,doi baetei
TA-ce studii aveti?
TA-cum Va simtiti,Anatol,dvs acuma?
TA-sunteti asa indispus?
MA-nu.pur-si-simplu oleaca ma grabesc si n-am mancat
TA-acuma sunteti ....
TA-in legatura cu ce ?...va dau ce intrebari?
MA-in general ...dupa lege ,nu partea vatamata dar si banuitii ..sa ceara o expertiza psihologica.In al doilea rand,nu mai stiu ce sa faca
TA-cam cine stie ,,ce sa mai faca,,?
MA-politistii tortionari
TA-dvs mergeti caparte vatamata?asa?
TA-de ce?
MA-fiindca dosarul intentat unde- am fost maltratat,torturat de politisti
TA- ati fost la expert medico-legal?
TA-corporarile,vatamarile corporale?
MA-da,au fost scoase
TA-este,da,toate astea...asa?
Dupa 8 aprilie a mai fost alt incident cu plitia?
MA-batai sau..?
TA-da ,batai?
MA- a mai fost in 2008
TA-in ce legatura,cu ce?
MA-..un incident banal
TA-Anatol ,care este in general atitudinea dvs fata de organele noastre de ordine...?
MA-deschideti dvs jurnal.md si veti gasi de ziua politiei unde spun ca n-am nimic contra politiei,politistilor celor onesti.Dar anume contra celor corupticare anume folosesc maltratari si asa mai departe,criminali in politie.Si luam si personal:pe faptul retinerii abuzive, veneau in podval unde lucrez eu,incepeau sa ceara,sa ceara chiar si cei din PolitiaRutiera.Ceream dreptul sa se prezinte...aha,...ceri drepturi ?! ...Retinut si prezentat in judecata pentru opunere de rezistenta.
Ba veneau si luausi pe urma trebuea prin judecata sa-mi intorc lucrurile.Contra politistiloronesti ,n-am nimic absolut.Contra celor corupti ,ma lupt
TA-dvs ati mai avut traume cranio-cerebrale?
MA-in copilarie am cazut de la vreo doi metri inaltime
TA-dar la caracter cum sunteti?
TA-oricum ,aveti emotii dar nu aratati?
MA-am in vedere ca pot sa ma abtin
TA-controlat,control suficient? Nu strigati?
MA-recurg la brutalisme sau acea metoda .. fix asa cum se comporta...
TA-clar.cum va simtiti acuma? Stresat?
MA-absolut .ma simt vinovat.Am niste episoade,in rest ce-mi incrimineaza mie mai grav,nu sunt deacord
TA-dar ce?
MA-i-mi incrimineaza uzurparea puterii de stat,ca am dat foc,ca am batut 20 de politisti,ca la niste masini am dat foc...precum ca pe un om l-am jefuit si i-am luat jumerile
test nr.1 la min.7'40''
TA-dvs VA uitati aicisi spune-ti cu ce asemanati aceste imagini?
MA-mai mult seamana la un bazin
TA-bine,mai departe
MA-daca o privim asa....
MA-nici o asociatie
TA-mai departe
MA-aicia doua figuri fata-n fata,maini,capul
TA-dar ce fac acestea?
TA-doi oameni?ce fac?
TA-bine,mai departe
MA-aicia parca e un corp uman in perspectiva,sta culcat
TA-bine.deci,cine a inaintat expertiza aciasta?
MA- de si e ridicol.eu sunt parte vatamata.De obicei....Dupa lege au si ei dreptul sa inainteze...
TA-avocatul cui?
MA-a partilor banuite in interesul lor.
Aici nu vad nimic(in figuri..)
TA-mai departe
MA-iar doua feti...
TA-ce fac?
TA-ce fac?
MA-nu pot face nici o asociatie
MA-daca sa inlaturam bara...sunt doua randuri simetrice
MA-si iarasi ,numai ca se uita in colo
TA-si ultima
TA-dar v-au tinut mult acolo?
TA-ati vorbit,intrebari,n-aveti de a face cu diagnoza,cu nimica?
(test nr.2 cu culori) la min 16'20''
TA -alegeti culoarea care va place la momentul de fata.din aceste culori care este mai placuta,preferata?
TA-ce culoare dupa verde?
TA- dupa asata?
TA-mai departe
MA-rosu si negru
TA-bine dom Anatol.Deci trebue sa fac totalurile ,asta a fost discutia
MA-da,desigur.La revedere.
un comentariu in mass-media poate fi gasit aici:
duminică, 30 mai 2010
“Mechanical Pig” is estimated at $2.5 million to $3.5 million.

When Phillips de Pury & Company opens its new 25,000-square-foot space on Park Avenue and 57th Street this fall, it wants to grab at least some of the spotlight from the auction giants Sotheby’s and Christie’s. So executives there have looked outside their ranks, to someone who has caused a splash in the auction world before: Philippe Ségalot.
A former head of Christie’s contemporary art department who became a private dealer in New York nine years ago, Mr. Ségalot was known for putting together sales that included show-stopping works by artists like Maurizio Cattelan and Jeff Koons. He actually persuaded those artists to become involved in the installation of their sculptures at Christie’s, creating events that drew attention. (Until then such happenings were unheard of because artists notoriously dislike the public forum of auctions.)
Mr. Ségalot is also a known quantity to Phillips. In 2004 he collaborated with the company on a sale of contemporary photographs from the collection of the Baroness Marion Lambert, wife of Baron Philippe Lambert, a member of a Belgian banking family. It was a sellout, bringing a total of $12.4 million.
This time around Mr. Ségalot has agreed to start Carte Blanche, a new initiative in which Phillips will invite a collector, dealer, artist or museum curator to put together one sale. “It’s like having a guest curator at a museum,” Simon de Pury, the chairman of Phillips, explained in a telephone interview. The initiative will not be limited to New York. It may also be expanded to London too, Mr. de Pury said.
“There will be no limitations,” Mr. de Pury added. “While the focus will be on contemporary art, there can also be design objects in the sale.”
Mr. Ségalot’s auction, which may be an individual event or the first part of Phillips’s usual evening contemporary art auction, will take place in November during the contemporary auction week. (The date has yet to be determined.)
Mr. Ségalot said that he was already putting together his sale, and that it would include “Mechanical Pig,” from 2005. A seminal work by the Los Angeles artist Paul McCarthy, it is a sculpture of a sleeping pig lying on its side atop a machine. Viewers could see the pig visibly breathing. “It’s like seeing how special effects are made in a movie,” said Mr. Ségalot, talking about the way Mr. McCarthy purposely placed the pig on top of a machine. “After all,” he continued, “the artist is from Los Angeles.”
One of an edition of three, “Mechanical Pig” is being sold by Stefan Edlis, a Chicago collector, and is estimated at $2.5 million to $3.5 million. “It looks so innocent you want to adopt it,” said Mr. Ségalot. (Another “Mechanical Pig” caused a stir when it was on view at the Palazzo Grassi in Venice in 2006 at the time that François Pinault, the luxury goods magnate and owner of Christie’s, first took over the space.)
Published: May 27, 2010
The New York Times
sâmbătă, 22 mai 2010
a curious advertisment of rexona deodorants..
the inscription reads: Your smell is your visiting(business) card,
use Rexona on a daily basis and successfully avoid bad smell...
so, the pig stands for a bad or a good (Rexona like) smell?
un poster publicitar curios: sloganul zice Mirosul tău e cartea ta de vizită,
foloseşte Rexona zilnic şi evită mirosul urât.
Mă întreb, purcelul reprezintă mirosul urât sau frumos (de tip Rexona)?
luni, 17 mai 2010
i m not getting this caricature
miercuri, 12 mai 2010
pig related activistic art

Tuesday 14th April 2009
A former pig farmer was arrested and held by police for more than six hours after a police officer who lived next door complained about an ornamental swine statuette in his garden. Robin Demczak, 57, insists the black and white spotted porcelain pig was in residence in his back garden long before traffic officer PC John Ablett moved in next door.
But police reportedly told Mr Demczak, who now works as a window fitter, that the statuette and a sign saying "no pigs" could be considered as harassment. He was arrested at his home in Witney, Oxfordshire, earlier this month and held for six and a half hours following a complaint.
The arrest reportedly followed an 18-month dispute between the two neighbours over a footpath that splits their back gardens.
Mr Demczak said: "PC Ablett had me arrested because he didn't like me keeping my 12-inch porcelain model pig in the back garden. He seems to think it is offensive to policemen."
He insisted he had painted the sign to reassure passersby that there were no pigs kept in a shed in his back garden he previously used as a pig sty. He explained: "When I got rid of all the pigs, I painted a sign saying there weren't any left in there. That was in case someone was worried about them."
A Thames Valley Police spokesman said: "We can confirm that a man was arrested on suspicion of harassment in relation to the incident. He has been released without charge. But the investigation is still ongoing. There was an ornament in the garden and also some writing on a wall." PC Ablett was unavailable for comment.
Animal rights activists arrested in protest at Harborplace store
February 06, 1994|By Liz Atwood,Sun Staff Writer
Five animal rights' advocates, two dressed in pink pig suits, were arrested at Harborplace's Light Street pavilion yesterday, protesting against a store they say contributes to the cruel deaths of wild animals in the Hawaiian rain forest.
Members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals shouted slogans, distributed literature and handcuffed themselves to the doors of the Nature Company, which sells science and environmental materials.
They were protesting the store's support of the Nature %o Conservancy, an environmental group that the protesters contend uses wire snares to trap wild pigs on its rain forest lands in Hawaii.
PETA says the pigs and other animals caught in the snares die slow, agonizing deaths.
The Nature Company and the Nature Conservancy say the pigs, which were brought by settlers to the islands and became wild, are destroying the rain forest and must be eliminated.
"At the heart of this is a split in environmental groups between the eco-system managers and the animal rights advocates," said George Cruys, a spokesman for the Nature Company in Berkeley, Calif.
The Nature Company has raised about $1 million for the Nature Conservancy in the past five years. None of the money goes directly to the Hawaiian preserve, however, Mr. Cruys said.
"It's not a method we like," Alan Holt, director of the Nature Conservancy's stewardship programs in Hawaii, said of the traps. The Conservancy lays snares in about 4,000 of its 20,000 acres of rain forest, he said. It has tried hunting the pigs and fencing the land, but he said snaring is needed.
PETA has been demonstrating at Nature Company stores for about a year.
Yesterday, Baltimore police arrested Mike Markarian, 19; Jennifer Boffinger, 25; Connie Schaeffer, 28; and Joel Zink, 19, all of Washington, D.C.; and Peter Wood, 32, of Silver Spring. All were taken to Central District station and charged with trespassing.
Published on Sunday, August 12, 2000 by the Associated Press
PETA Activist Drops Manure at DNC Hotel
by Anthony Breznican

LOS ANGELES –– An activist dressed in a pink pig costume dumped four tons of animal manure from a truck Saturday in front of a hotel housing guests attending the Democratic National Convention.
Police arrested the animal rights activist and impounded the truck.
At the Wilshire Grand Hotel, about 10 people from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals stood on the sidewalk as the activist dumped the manure in the hotel driveway. Some wore the same full-body pig costumes and carried placards that read, "Meat is murder."
City workers and hotel employees cleaned up the 5-foot by 10-foot spill with shovels and trashcans.
In February, the group performed a similar stunt outside a restaurant where Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush had just eaten breakfast.
Photo by M. Spencer Green (AP)
The nomination of the boar hog Pigasus for President of the United States by the Yippies had been the most "transcendentally lucid" political act of the twentieth century.
Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminatus Trilogy: The Eye in the Pyramid, the Golden Apple & Leviathan; Pigasus was nominated at the Democratic Party Convention on August 23, 1968
We want to give you a chance to talk to our candidate and to restate our demand that Pigasus be given Secret Service protection and be brought to the White House for his foreign policy briefing.
Jerry Rubin at the nomination of Pigasus for president of the USA
They nominate a president and he eats the people. We nominate a president and the people eat him.
Pigasus nominators' slogan
Everybody's smoking and no one's getting high
Everybody's flying and never touch the sky
There's a UFO over New York and I ain't too surprised
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Strange days indeed – most peculiar, mama
1968 USA: During the Democratic Party Convention in Chicago, at the Civic Center plaza (now known as the Daley Center), Yippie leaders Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman and others nominated their presidential contender – Pigasus the pig. His platform was 'garbage'. Seven Yippies – and Pigasus – were arrested.
On the same day, almost 6,000 National Guardsman were mobilized and practised riot-control drills. Special police platoons did the same.
"Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, along with David Dellinger, Rennie Davis, Tom Hayden, John Froines, Lee Weiner, and Bobby Seale were arrested for conspiring to incite violence and crossing state lines with the intent to riot. The group became known as the Chicago Eight until Seale was removed from the proceedings and sentenced to four years in prison for contempt, the group was then known as the Chicago Seven. After a protracted trial and appeals, all charges were dismissed."

sâmbătă, 17 aprilie 2010
Pearls before swine / Mărgăritare în faţa porcilor
vineri, 19 martie 2010
Matasaru versus gripa
Love (and Arias) With a Proper Swine

Music Review | 'The Enchanted Pig'
Published: February 7, 2010, in NY Times
The British composer Jonathan Dove has written theater and film scores, orchestral and chamber works, and operas: most notably operas for children. He had a solid success in London in 2006 with “The Enchanted Pig,” a children’s opera based on a Romanian folk tale (in fact, by Petre Ispirescu), with a libretto by Alasdair Middleton.
The New Victory Theater in Times Square is now presenting a staging of “The Enchanted Pig” that originated in December at the Linbury Studio Theater of the Royal Opera House in London, a co-production of the Opera Group, ROH2 and the Young Vic. The New Victory was nearly full for the matinee on Saturday, and children were everywhere. The young operagoers were impressively attentive, which says a lot about this fanciful opera with its modest, appealing and lively score and wittily poetic libretto.
The story tells of King Hildebrand, who warns his three marriageable daughters not to enter a secret room in the castle that contains the Book of Fate. Curious beyond endurance, the daughters defy him. The book predicts that the older two will marry kings but the youngest, Flora, will wed a pig. Naturally, she is horrified.
The predictions come true. Yet on her wedding night Flora is strangely drawn to her snorting, muddy husband. And every night, when the sun goes down, the pig becomes a handsome prince. He has been cursed by a witch, who wants him for her own daughter.
The witch, in the guise of a jolly old woman, captures the prince. For the rest of the two-hour opera we follow Flora as she travels to the ends of the earth, the Moon and the Milky Way, wearing down three pairs of iron shoes in search of her husband. In the end true love frees him from the curse.
Mr. Dove’s music deftly mixes tenderly lyrical flights, jaunty tunes, waltzing duets, song-and-dance numbers and elaborate ensembles. Although not highly original, the music is skillfully written and personal. Mr. Dove does not play down to young listeners. The entire score is sung.
During patter songs and ensembles, which come often, it is not really possible to catch all the words. But there was so much banter and comic staging during these ensembles that the young audience listened and laughed anyway.
If anything, Mr. Dove errs by making his score too operatic. For long stretches the extended vocal lines encourage singers (at least some in this cast) into exaggerated, booming operatic vocalism. Simon Wilding makes a wonderful snorting, hairy pig who, in a quick-change flash, becomes a handsome, brooding prince. But too often he sings with a bellowing basso wobble that renders his words mushy. Imagine Bert Lahr’s Cowardly Lion singing “If I Were King of the Forest.” Karina Lucas, the brave and self-effacing Flora in this performance, sang her lines sensitively yet managed to make each word clear.
Mr. Dove is an eminently practical theater composer. Each of the eight singers plays multiple roles (except for the lead of Flora, a role that is double cast). The work is imaginatively orchestrated for a small ensemble, with striking and subtle touches for percussion, accordion and harp. Brad Cohen is the assured conductor. The director, John Fulljames, makes clever use of Dick Bird’s rotating set and stylized, sometimes sci-fi costumes.
For a music theater piece drawn from fairy tales, “The Enchanted Pig” is no match for Stephen Sondheim’s “Into the Woods.” Still, Mr. Dove knows his target audience, and his opera wins you over. It is a charming idea to present the Moon as a man with a silver crescent hat atop a lighthouse, and the North Wind as a crotchety married man in a rickety house with a complaining wife, a bickering couple who are nevertheless happy together.
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